Many thanks. Perhaps I can start off with the research that CIHR is funding.
Budget 2021 committed $30 million for CIHR to fund targeted research into pediatric cancer. That funding is still active. We do not yet have specific projects or their results.
However, that being said, one of the very prominent opportunities that have arisen with this additional funding is the creation of a pediatric cancer consortium. The consortium is going to cover the entire cancer control continuum, from prevention to diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. What we envision is that this funding will improve the research pipeline, advance equitable access to care and, importantly, maximize the impact of research through knowledge mobilization.
Again, the funding opportunity that I mentioned just recently closed, so these applications are undergoing peer review and funding is expected to start this summer. I'd be very happy to come back to you and provide details as to the group that's been successful in being awarded the opportunity for the pediatric cancer consortium.
I wonder if one of my colleagues might be able to add something.
Candice, perhaps you would like to?