Mr. Chair and members of the committee, thank you for inviting Health Canada to appear today. We are pleased to be here. I won't introduce my colleagues, since the chair has already done so.
Children's health and wellness is a critical issue with potential life‑long impacts. Your study will help inform future work in this important area of public policy.
The past two years have been difficult for children and youth, with school closures, social isolation, and loss of extra‑curricular activities.
COVID‑19 has shown us the need to build more sustainable and resilient health systems.
The government is also concerned about substance use‑related harms. The government remains committed to leading a whole‑of‑society approach to address the overdose crisis.
The pandemic has caused the cancellation or delay of nearly 700,000 medical procedures, including for children. We also know there will be a shortage of medical professionals over the next 10 years, including a shortage of pediatric health care providers. In recognition of these challenges, a $200-billion, one-time top-up to the Canada health transfer was provided to provinces and territories to address backlogs for health care services this year, along with $4.5 billion in top-ups to the CHT provided during COVID previously.
Primary care providers play a meaningful role in children's physical, mental and social needs, and are really at the nexus of the health care system. However, we know that many Canadians have a harder time accessing this care in a timely manner. Budget 2022 provides funding to enhance student loan forgiveness for health professionals working in underserved rural or remote communities, where this access is even more difficult, to ensure that Canadians receive the health care that they deserve where they live.
The budget also expands the foreign credential recognition program to help 11,000 internationally trained health care professionals per year get their credentials recognized more quickly in Canada.
Dental health, as you know, is also a key aspect of Canadians' health, and it is especially important for children as they grow. To address gaps in access to dental care, the government committed $5.3 billion over five years, starting with children under 12. That will be implemented in 2022.
The pandemic has highlighted mental health and substance use issues in children and youth. The government has launched a number of free tools for Canadians, including the Wellness Together Canada online portal, which provides 24-7 access to mental health services for Canadians. We also provide funding through the mental health promotion and innovation fund to support community-based programs that promote mental health in children and youth. Improving mental health and addiction services for youth and young adults is also a priority of the common statement of principles, which sets the frame for the bilateral agreements that flow funding to provinces and territories to improve these services.
Public education and awareness efforts are fundamental to achieving the government's objective of protecting public health and safety, especially for youth. The government has invested in prevention campaigns that include engaging youth and young adults on the risks and harms of substance use, guidance on ways to reduce harms and ways to recognize and counter substance-use stigma.
We also recognize that, for many Canadians who require prescription drugs to treat rare diseases, the cost of these drugs can be exorbitant. Health Canada is working with stakeholders and health partners to develop a national strategy on drugs to treat rare diseases.
In addition, we recognize the important role that healthy eating and nutrition plays in preventing chronic diseases and contributing to long‑term health for children. Significant progress has been made on this issue, including improvements to nutrition labelling and the food supply, and releasing a new Canada Food Guide.
To conclude, I would like to thank the committee once again for the opportunity today to speak to these issues at the beginning of your study. Your work will help point the way to the supports needed to ensure that children and youth can thrive in Canada.
Thank you very much.