There isn't one specific metric. We were really looking at a number of factors. For example, when I looked at the situation when the vaccine mandates were first put in place, there was strong scientific evidence, at the time, that the vaccines were preventing infection. They were working against transmission, against delta and alpha, and protecting against serious illness. There was a rapid acceleration of the delta variant. Hospitalization and ICU rates were very high, and the modelling was showing a strong resurgence at the time.
When we look now, comparatively, we have high immunity, both from vaccinations but also from infection rates. We have significant availability of antivirals. I mentioned the vaccination rates. Over 82% of Canadians are fully vaccinated with a primary series. We have lower hospitalization rates, and we're effectively in a better position now to manage the pandemic. That's why the decision was made to remove the vaccine mandates for public servants but also for the domestic federally regulated transportation sectors.