I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 28 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health. Today, we're meeting for a one-hour briefing on labour shortages in the health care sector and the foreign credential recognition program. In the second hour, we'll have a briefing from the Public Health Agency of Canada in relation to the study of the emergency situation facing Canadians in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I'll forgo the usual announcement on hybrid proceedings. We're all quite familiar with them at this point, as are the officials who are appearing before us.
I would like it if we could do this right off the top, folks, because I always tend to forget this at the end. I'd like to set a deadline for the submission of witness lists for the children's health study that we will be resuming in September. After discussions with the clerk, I'm going to make a suggestion of July 18. The clerk will send out a reminder a couple of weeks before the deadline.
Is July 18 for witness lists on the children's health study okay?