Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Minister Duclos, for being here. I'd also like to thank our public servants, who have been working tirelessly for over two years.
Thank you for your tremendous work and for joining us today for this important meeting.
I'd first like to acknowledge the obvious, that this is a global pandemic impacting every country around the world and that when Canada is compared with our peer nations, in particular to our neighbours to the south, Canada's response has been formidable. In short, tens of thousands of lives have been saved with good actions and swift policy decisions, and those decisions have been made by many of the officials here today.
So I would like to thank you on behalf of millions of Canadians for your leadership and expertise. As referenced earlier, this is a pandemic that is similar in size and scale to a world war, but instead of lives lost, there has been a similar number of lives saved as the result of policies and decisions made, including to swiftly vaccinate, as well as some tough calls that were necessary at the time. All in all, I do believe that gratitude is warranted.
Whether it's in terms of containing the spread of the virus, rolling out vaccinations, procuring vaccinations and other important things, fighting delta or reopening the economy, Canada has consistently scored above average. Canada is one of the only countries in the world to never have fallen into the bottom half of any metric, according to numerous publications. As we know, among the newest tools in the tool box to fight COVID-19 are antivirals, and this week was a good week for an announcement regarding antivirals that will reduce the strain on our medical system and our health care system, and particularly ICUs.
While vaccination is central to fighting COVID-19 in Canada and around the world, providing everyone in Canada with access to potential treatments remains vitally important as well.
I would like to direct my initial question to the deputy minister.
Can you please tell us about the agreements we heard about this week with regard to antiviral oral medications to combat COVID-19?