Thank you for the question.
Mr. Chair, we have been trying to update our information on the period of communicability, which means how long you can potentially spread the omicron variant once you're infected. There is very little information on that, but the studies that we've managed to amass, including a recent one from Japan, suggest that the period of communicability is no shorter than for the other variants because the viral shedding and the viral load don't decrease until day 10 following symptom onset or specimen collection after the diagnosis.
We do recognize that because so many people are infected with omicron at the moment, maintaining business continuity and continuity of critical services is extremely challenging on the front line for the province and territories, so they have reduced some of these requirements in order to maintain that health care workforce.
Of course, any reduction is associated with a certain amount of risk, so the other layers of protection, such as masking, are particularly important, as is supplementing them with testing in order to reduce those isolation periods.