That's an excellent note on which to finish.
To all of our public servants, though it's trite to say and we've heard it many times that COVID didn't come with a manual, so allow me, on behalf of the committee and more broadly, to sincerely thank you for your service. Thanks for being available to come here on an emergency basis, as was required, and to stay as long as you have. Your dedication testimony are greatly appreciated. I have little doubt that our paths will cross again in this session, so we say “thank you and goodbye” but probably not for long. Thanks again.
Colleagues, there's just one item before we adjourn. Unless something else arises over the next couple of weeks, the plan right now is that our first meeting upon the reconvening of Parliament on January 31 will be a meeting of the subcommittee to discuss the business and activities for the upcoming session, with the full committee meeting thereafter on February 2 to ratify or discuss the subcommittee's recommendations. That's just to give you a heads-up that this is the plan as it presently stands.
With that, is it the will of the committee to adjourn?