I think there's a particular issue around pediatric care that perhaps isn't recognized. Particularly with pediatric surgeons, we recruit people from all over the world, because the number of specialists in, for example, pediatric cardiac surgery or pediatric orthopaedic surgery, is small. It's a very small pool of people we can access, and we are competing on the global stage. We compete with organizations in the States and the U.K. You name it and that's where we're competing. We really do need to have competitive salaries.
One example I can give you is that, in the last three years, 35 physicians and surgeons have left SickKids, usually for what we would call a lateral move. We struggle to compete, particularly with the United States, but also with other jurisdictions.
The issues around how physicians are funded are important, but I would say we have an even bigger problem at the moment with nursing. It's very hard for us to compete at the moment with the United States in terms of nursing. One solution proposed is to make the certification process much faster, in order to make immigration much easier, because there are many individuals around the world—that's where we need to recruit from—who would be very interested in coming here. We need to make it as convenient as possible for them.