Mr. Chair, maybe I could add something in terms of the comment attributed to me. If I recall correctly the date, those comments were actually made at the health committee here. Certainly, if we look at the larger context, what was indicated at that time—which was, as Member Jeneroux reported, February 26—was that certainly with our efforts to date, at that point in time the virus had not obviously transmitted to a large degree. If you look at all of the comments I made, I said we continued to work closely with the provinces and territories in terms of planning for a potential worst scenario.
One of the things I did mention, I do recall, at that committee, was things that were unknown at the time, things like public health measures. I said that we were not at that point yet, but we had to start thinking about potential measures like social distancing, which at that point in time was something totally unheard of, and looking at what might need to be done in terms of schools and other maybe more restrictive public health measures.
I think you need to take the whole context of everything that was said and what we knew at the time. And certainly, as Dr. Tam says, I think we do have humility. As the science evolves, statements made or what we say and do at a certain point in time based on the state of science at that point in time certainly evolves with—