I'm sorry. I thought I was right and then I got confused and very nervous.
I think it just points a few things out. The part that gets me concerned is when we look at the program that's in place for first nations kids specifically. Many of these kids have to travel long distances to see the dentist. In my riding, if a kid lives in Janvier, they're travelling 150 kilometres each way to get to Fort McMurray or a few hundred kilometres to get to Lac La Biche. While they are covered under insurance for the cost of the procedure, there are a lot of out-of-pocket costs to be able to attend this.
I'm very confused as to whether those kinds of out-of-pocket costs for mileage would count for large rural ridings like mine or Mr. Hanley's, where a large number of people would have to travel to be able to get these services, or is it just for the service itself?
I think there's some importance in having some of this clarification because this will benefit, potentially, families in my riding, depending on how the answer comes out.