Further to the point mentioned, there is an explicit line on the February 2 version about children's nutritional needs. Certainly I support the intent of this motion.
I would also like clarification, perhaps from Mr. Berthold, if this is intended to be in the pandemic stream, or not in the COVID half, as it were.
I think in the interests of scheduling, yes, this is a good motion. I think it will need scoping to be limited to six studies. Some understanding of what the intent is—COVID or non-COVID—would help.
I also want to have a sense of which motions we are adopting so that we can then talk about the prioritization. I understood that was the intent from the subcommittee meeting, that we really set on a study that each party would like to put forward and then discuss prioritization.
In particular, the motion that I'm proposing to address on the workforce crisis might be a good way to start the overall theme of health care provision in the context of that crisis. Then we might be able to address many of these related issues, and of course, child health is a primary one.