I think when we're working with children, especially in the teenaged years, we often have to recognize how important it is at that stage of their life to figure out who they are, what they're doing and to have autonomy and responsibility. That means, as a parent, when you have those worries, you're making sure that your children have the information and the access, so that if they ever are in trouble, the people they call are the people who love them the most.
I encourage families and systems to work in models that are non-judgmental, that use the evidence base of harm reduction, and also to work with children at the stage they are in. A 14-year-old can't be told what to do, but they can be guided on what to do. If you're non-judgmental with your children, you approach them with a caring compassion that says wherever you are, whoever you are, I'm here for you if you need me, then if they ever get in a situation where they're in trouble, you've opened a door that they can come to.