Yesterday we had a very exciting announcement. We were able to demonstrate that all 13 jurisdictions have come together to understand that this model of integrated youth services that was led by the Foundry in British Columbia, the hubs here in Ontario as well as Aire Ouverte in Quebec....
The idea that you can get the most appropriate care by the most appropriate person at the most appropriate place and at the most appropriate time means that, all of a sudden, things such as peer support.... Those with lived and living experiences are able to make it feel safer for young people to come. They get primary care. They get a social worker, a psychologist or an addiction medicine person helping with their education, getting a job and housing, all in one place, with an integrated record.
The exciting thing is that yesterday we were able to announce that the CAMH and CIHR will not only be working on these evidence-based models but also creating the evidence as we go to be able to demonstrate what works and what doesn't. I think this is a huge leap forward in how we actually deliver integrated services to Canadians instead of this patchwork quilt of non-systems that was a huge challenge to youth in the past.