I totally agree. We need to ensure sufficient financial support for the research and science community. This would allow us to make progress in the development of means of prevention and protection for firefighters against the effects of smoke from fires.
It would also allow us to determine as quickly as possible whether the means put in place are effective. To date, these measures are recognized as the best practices known in the fire service community, and they are most likely based on the American model and, increasingly, on the methods and models developed in Canada.
A number of questions need to be asked. Is washing with water and soap sufficient? Is the type of respiratory protection adequate? Are the fabrics used to make firefighters' clothing appropriate and do they block as much of the contaminants as possible?
Zero risk does not exist. However, we must get as close as possible to zero risk, and every means and measure counts.
We believe that the wording of Bill C‑224 would open this door to the Canadian government and the scientific community. It would allow the research to continue, while engaging the stakeholders, and ensuring that the safety of firefighters is taken into account.