It's hard to estimate, but certainly they are going to be felt for some time. That will be longer or shorter, depending on the age group. I think some age groups will have been affected much more than others, and I am not expecting that we will see the end of it for at least another five years.
I have no scientific basis to rely on in saying that, but some studies have been done. For example, a study was done in Chile on large-scale school closings, and the effects have been felt even into adulthood among some people who were affected when they were very young.
So it can last a very long time. It depends on the measures put in place: how long it lasts will depend on what we do. Personally, what worries me is that I feel that we are forgetting our children. I feel that we have moved on to other things, we are no longer investing in them, and we are no longer talking about the effects of the pandemic on children.