Allow me to interrupt.
We've been told that this has never been done, that this is the first time a study has been done, that this is the first time a committee and a government have taken an interest in children's health. That's normal; we're in Ottawa, and it's not Ottawa's business. An expert comes and tells us that in committee.
He's before the committee, and I'm asking him if there are other documents, reports or studies of bills. Earlier, I referred to the Quebec government's 140‑page document entitled Plan d'action interministériel en santé mentale 2022-2026 — S'unir pour un mieux-être collectif. The answer I get is that he could look at that eventually, when it suits him and, incidentally, it takes national strategies for this and for that.
So I'll ask the question again to get a yes or no answer: before telling us that the work has never been done by anyone, including the governments whose jurisdiction it is, have you done the research? What is the basis for what you told us earlier?