Thanks, Ms. McKinney. You kind of took the words out of my mouth for my segue to the second half of my question.
With respect to being able to prevent people from having to access the health care system, it's a little bit of a guess that I'm making and I was hoping that one of the doctors might be able to provide some insight as to whether or not this assumption is at all correct.
When we're talking about lifestyle interventions to prevent people from having to access the health care system, I imagine a lot of those are far more effective for adults because they've lived longer and they probably suffer disproportionately from more lifestyle-related illnesses, like type 2 diabetes and others, but I imagine that those are becoming more and more a priority for children's health as well.
Would any of the pediatric experts or the doctors on the call like to comment on the value or the necessity of preventing children from having to access the health care system?
Ms. Grandvaux, go ahead.