We have a couple of different suggestions. I'm not going to repeat what I said.
I like Mr. Lake's suggestion. I think that's eminently reasonable.
We could start by next week, but we have a very busy day tomorrow in the House. I can speak for some of us. We have an opposition day motion on health care. We're tied up on that.
It's not fair to the committee to say that we have tomorrow to fire in our witnesses. I want to think about the witnesses I want to put forward. I want to consult some of the witnesses. It takes some time.
There's no pressing reason that we have to rush to do this for next Wednesday. Again, it's also the practical reality that it's difficult for the clerk to contact and line up witnesses on four business days' notice. I don't see any real reason to rush this process that fast when we've taken a week and a half to get started. Also, there's going to be some overlap of witnesses and it might take some time to work that out.
I stand by what I said. We should have until the end of Monday to get in our witnesses on the health study. I like Mike's suggestion about taking the second meeting next week to not only to finish off the briefing but maybe have a chat about how we might want to structure the COVID study and what kinds of issues we might want to look at. That might be helpful.
We also have to get in our witnesses on COVID. I'm okay with both meetings during the week after the break week being on the health care human resources study. That means there will be eight witnesses called that we have to prepare for. The week after that, we're going to have to have a meeting or two on COVID.
Those of us who have served on committees have some sense of the cadence of these things and how long things take. It seems like a really easy thing to go out and get our witnesses and tomorrow we'll schedule them. It usually takes a bit longer than that.
I stand by my suggestion on the end of business day Monday and with Mr. Lake's schedule.