I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 61 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health. Today we will consider Bill C-252, before proceeding to drafting instructions for the report on children's health and committee business in camera.
In accordance with our routine motion, I'm informing the committee that all remote participants have completed the required connection tests.
We have with us Mr. Kram, Mr. Boulerice and Mr. Coteau, who are substituting today. Welcome to all.
I would also like to welcome back our two officials from Health Canada. They are here in case there are questions for the department about Bill C-252. Dr. Supriya Sharma is chief medical adviser, and David Lee is chief regulatory officer for the health products and food branch.
Thank you for coming back and being with us today.
(On clause 4)
Colleagues, at our last meeting we were discussing CPC-4, which relates to clause 4. The amendment had been introduced and debate had commenced.
If we pick up where we left off, that's where we are. We are debating amendment CPC-4. The floor is open for further debate on that amendment.
Yes, Ms. Goodridge.