I totally agree.
One of the issues in breast implant illness is that it's clear that patients do better after explantation. Most symptoms disappear. We recently published, just a few months ago, that a rechallenge, meaning when they had another implant, caused a failure in 70% of the cases. That's a very hard argument for scientific evidence: challenge, dechallenge and rechallenge.
I think Health Canada is wrong. There is a clear issue with breast implant illness. In the field of autoimmune disease, it's not debated. It's clear that there is a disease. More and more we are now going into the pathology of this disease. At the latest conference in Athens, there were posters, discussions of animal models, where, if you inject the serum of patients into animals, they can develop a similar disease as what has been shown in breast implant illness.
It's a matter of time, I think, to convince the world that it is a specific disease that can be treated with explantation.