My perspective is based on my experience of having a group of close to 2,500 women in Quebec. There are a few dozen who have textured devices and should have received some kind of information about the fact that their implants were recalled. Very few of those patients who received textured implants as part of a reconstruction following mastectomy received a letter from the health care centre where they had their surgery. It's very few of them.
I asked the women in my group, “If you receive a letter, please let us know. We want to know how many of you got that letter.” I think that among all those patients, there was only one who had textured implants for aesthetic reasons only—not part of a reconstruction—who got a letter from.... I don't remember whether it was from her plastic surgeon or Allergan, but there was only one.
Of course, not all women with breast implants or textured breast implants are part of the French-Canadian group. It represents only a small portion of the women with textured implants and breast implants in general. A minority were contacted. Close to 0% were contacted by the manufacturer to let them know they had a defective device implanted.