Yes, absolutely.
All breast implants bleed silicone and chemicals. You have that even if an implant is still intact. It's bleeding silicone. Sometimes a wearer might have their implants removed, but they have silicone uptake in lymph nodes or in surrounding tissue.
Then there's also the issue of rupture. If it's not diagnosed in time—and with no standard protocol of care in place, it's very often not diagnosed in time—silicone can migrate outside of the capsule that surrounds the breast implant and go into the body. I can speak to this because that's something I've experienced.
Just to draw to another point, yesterday there was a comment that silicone is inert. I guarantee you that anybody who has migrated silicone within them will not agree that silicone is inert. I have pain, as do they, in every place where that silicone has migrated within us.