Thank you.
Let's go back to 2003, if I can take you back 20 years. I'm going to read again from Health Canada's document. It says:
b. The [natural health product directorate] recognizes that product labels should assist consumers in making informed choices with respect to NHPs.
c. Labels should assist in selecting products that meet individual needs and expectations, as well as the merits and limitations of products.
d. Labels should allow consumers and others to fully understand how products are to be used and stored to ensure their maximum benefit, and to be aware of any adverse reactions or other risks associated with the use of the product.
33. [Natural health product] labelling provide[s] consumers with all relevant information needed to make informed choices.
For the recommendation that product labelling “be standardized to provide clear and consistent product information”, you reported the status as follows:
NHP labelling requirements apply to all NHPs, therefore clear and consistent product information will be available to consumers.
Now, there's a whole list of things that the NHP regulations in 2003 required: “the dosage form”; “the net amount of...weight, measure or number”; “a list by proper name...of each medicinal ingredient per dosage unit, and...the authorized potency”; “a qualitative list of all non-medicinal ingredients”; “the recommended use or purpose; the recommended route of administration; the recommended dose and...duration of use; the risk information...including any cautions, warnings, contra-indications or known adverse reactions associated...; the recommended storage...; the lot number; the expiry date [and] a description of the source material of each medicinal ingredient that the product contains...when the ingredient is a plant or plant material....”
My question is this: If that is what you were telling Parliament in 2003—that that's what was going to be captured by labelling—what is the case to be made 20 years later to say that we need to change the labelling so that consumers are aware of things? I know you weren't the author at the time, but either it was not true then, or it's not required now. Help me understand that.