I'll try to make a little summary.
When I ask you if you have any impact studies on pricing, you answer me by talking about Treasury Board guidelines. That's what we have.
When I ask you if you have any evidence as to the development of mitigation measures for regulatory impacts, you respond by talking about Treasury Board guidelines again.
I also wanted to know if you had any environmental impact studies with regard to labelling. According to Health Canada documents, the department doesn't have any and didn't believe it should. Health Canada points out, for example, that the industry has not proven that there would be impacts as alleged. So far, neither of you seem inclined to pursue this further.
Moreover, you want to develop your labelling requirements over six years, and you claim that the means of labelling you advocate won't be obsolete at the end of that period. You know, there's a way to use a QR code to display a lot of the information you want to see, while still having, on the box, important indications for people's health about the product. You can distinguish the interesting information that should be there when you look at a product's packaging. Just as there are bar code scanners, there could also be QR code scanners. In short, I think your reform is already outdated.
I also asked you if Health Canada was open to changes. Environmental impact is important. It's impossible not to understand that, if we have to display all the necessary information on a bottle or can, this will cause an increase in waste. This seems to me to be common sense. Since environmental impacts are important, is Health Canada open to proposals from people in the field to modulate these requirements?
I'd like to say one last thing. You mentioned inspections. You've started doing them, and you've identified problems. However, have you provided the industry with guidelines so that they can comply and respond well to inspections? What we want is for people who haven't been inspected for years to know your criteria so they can comply. We have to be proactive.