We would agree with that. The vast majority of our members appreciate and understand the benefit of a strong regulatory environment. I think that's why we're so proud of the regulations that we have today, and we've quoted many times that we're seen as a gold standard internationally.
We can speak to site inspections. I think our compliant companies are encouraged to hear the focus that the CESD put on operational and quality initiatives. I think those are all critical.
I reference what Ms. Vadacchino said. What is lacking is the enforcement and the education around that. What is lacking is the engagement so that, of those site licences that have some deficiencies, it is clearly understood what they are. We currently don't have an NHP site licence guidance document. That will probably shock most people. As you can imagine, as a small and medium-sized business, if you don't know what rules are going to be used as they're applied to your business, that can be quite concerning and make it quite hard to be compliant.
In our conversations with the department, though, most of those businesses that have some deficiencies are rectified almost immediately. These are simple corrections that just need an education tool to ensure that industry can be, as it wants to be, compliant.