Thank you, Mr. Jowhari.
I'm sorry for that pause. I wanted to get straight just exactly where we stand in terms of the amended motion, because it seems to me that your proposed amendment arises from some confusion over what has already been amended.
What we are now debating is the amended motion. What we are now debating is this: “That given recent media reports that the Public Health Agency of Canada lost over $300 million dollars on an unfulfilled contract, the committee” hold up to four hours of meetings, and so on.
The preamble, to use your words, that is still retained, that is still before the committee and that is the subject of this debate is: “That given recent media reports that the Public Health Agency of Canada lost over $300 million dollars on an unfulfilled contract,”. Dr. Hanley's amendment basically changed all the words after “the committee”, two words later.
It strikes me that on the amendment that you just proposed, Mr. Jowhari, there's a bit of an overlap. I want to be clear on what the amendment is and that we're not amending something that's already been amended.
If you can perhaps repeat the nature of the amendment that you want to propose, we'll see if we can work through this.