Thank you.
The Minister of Health requested an independent review of Canada's global public health surveillance system, the global public health intelligence network, so I want to ask something about the GPHIN.
It seems that it was working at the time of COVID, and I think someone from PHAC told us that in fact there had been a warning that it had been detected and that there was an outbreak of pneumonias in China. However, the problem seems to be, from the report, that nobody was listening. If I can draw an analogy from medicine, there was a monitor on the patient, but nobody was looking at the monitor.
I'll quote from the report of the independent review. They said:
A governance structure was in place for oversight of surveillance activities from April 2017 to March 2019. However, key leadership responsibilities were not redistributed following the elimination of the...position.
Later on, they talk about the Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response lacking information on how information on events is shared, particularly with senior management. Later on, they say it was not always clear who was responsible for what in the flow of information, risk assessment and chain of decision-making.
Again to use that analogy, there was information coming in. You did have a monitor on the patient, but nobody was watching the monitor.
In that independent review, they suggest more effective links between the global public health intelligence network and the Public Health Agency of Canada, the need for a whole-of-agency approach. What has the Public Health Agency of Canada done to address this shortcoming?