Thank you very much.
I want to add my thanks to all of the witnesses for some incredibly enriching testimony.
Robert talks about taking lots of notes, but I've been changing my question every, I think, two or three minutes based on the testimony.
I want to ask my questions mainly from a rural practice point of view, especially as you're all from urban areas and from areas of centres of excellence, so I really want to try to paint that link between centres of excellence and rural care.
Dr. Jolly, I really appreciate your 10 points, and many of your recommendations speak to rural practice: CME and support for health care providers, financial support for centres of excellence, empowering allied health professionals, innovation and advanced diagnostics, proposed national guidelines.
Dr. Allaire, maybe I'll go to you, since you're from my end of the country. How do you see yourself as supporting quality rural health care and women's health care in general, but also, perhaps, endometriosis in particular?