I'll speak to the national action plan, because that's certainly something EndoAct has put forward as something that can be emulated following the example that Australia has set for us. They have been very successful so far with their plan at obtaining funding. The three arms are always awareness education, access to quality care or for evidence-based care, and research funding.
The funding that was released in September was targeted to awareness, so that's the first part of what we're hoping for. It was targeted toward increased awareness among the patients and the population of Canada, as well as some educational initiatives for physicians and gynecologists by SOGC. That part seems to be a beginning. It certainly may not be enough money, but it's certainly a start.
I do believe that a national plan requires consultation, and a bit more identification and study of the actual barriers. We think we know the barriers, but we need to be more scientific about understanding really where the barriers are so we can address them in a more fulsome way.