I think this comes down to CME, continued medical education. To be able to teach, you need the experts.
One of the big things that we need to look at, when we look at endometriosis, is that the care for endometriosis today is very different from what it was 20 years ago. Twenty years ago we had a handful of people who were experts, but like a tree that grows, one branch becomes two becomes three and those divide further. Now, coast to coast, we have a large number of experts.
How do we transfer that knowledge from the experts to the general population and to physicians who have graduated, for instance? That is done through CME. I think it is very important to fund CME so that it entices people to continue offering those courses; but also, if we're able to fund these expert centres, then these centres can then provide teaching and education for a larger number of people and a larger number of trainees.