There was something that EndoAct Canada said, that Catherine had mentioned here, which was that it was seen as “a bad period”. That is so subjective: What is a bad period?
Is there something when it comes to a length of a period so that if a young woman.... I've done some research that they may have a shorter time span. Five days are what you regularly would be menstruating for; they talk about it being shorter. As you indicated, they may go into menopause earlier as well. Can you share a bit about that?
I'll pull over to you. I'm looking at the six months to be seen, followed by the one year for surgery. If you're 12 years old or 13 years old and getting your first period, you have no idea how to compare this. You're comparing apples to oranges, because nobody's period is the same. When is it going to be the first time that one of these young women actually starts seeing an OB-GYN because this has actually been referred further?
I know that's a lot to pile on. Please, anyone take charge, but Elaine, if you could start with that, I'd really appreciate it.
Then we'll go over to EndoAct, and then back to McGill, if you don't mind.