Sure. I'd be happy to take that question.
The Icelandic model is very much focused on youth substance use prevention. It is an approach very complementary to the integrated youth services that Dr. Weiss spoke about. It's an approach that considers the broader social surroundings affecting youth through their schools, their peer environments and their communities. Rather than focusing on changing individual behaviours, it really looks at the community and meaningful connection within the community.
In budget 2023, there was a decision to provide $20.2 million over five years. We are moving ahead with that decision by the government through a number of streams of work. The first stream is to develop incubator and capacity building within communities. There was a call for proposals that came back—I'll try to do this in one minute, as I see your signal—and closed on January 15. The second stream will then fund the implementation of intervention research, following up on those who are successful through the first stream.
We are also developing a knowledge development and exchange hub, which will help synthesize the knowledge that's acquired in each of these communities and help exchange that across the country.