I just want to point out that last year, and from what I saw happen in other committees, it went back and forth because of the number of members from the government. It gave all their members a chance to speak.
The real question that I think Mr. Martin is asking for here is to make sure he has a second chance to speak, and that everyone in every one of their respective parties would have a chance to speak. That's where I'm thinking his intent was going.
My thought would be that as it's proposed here, and as it worked under the 38th Parliament, it would be Liberal, Conservative, and then it would be the Bloc, then Conservative, and then it would be the NDP, and then Conservative. That's the way it worked in the last government with the Liberals, in reverse. That would be the suggestion, just to make sure Mr. Martin has an opportunity to get a second chance.
Is that okay? That's really the question Mr. Martin is asking, if he could participate for a second round, even though he may not be entitled to a second question.
Any other points?