Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
It's a pleasure, as a full-time practising physician from the province of Prince Edward Island, to address you today on behalf of the Canadian Medical Association, with our fellow professionals.
I have with me today Mr. William Tholl, our secretary general, and it is our understanding that our colleagues will deal with a variety of other issues in relation to the mandate of your committee.
What I hope to do today is to concentrate on three areas. One is national standards for medical education and the practice of medicine in Canada. The second is the integration of international medical graduates into the medical workforce. The third is the recognition of foreign medical credentials.
Before expanding on these areas, however, I want to briefly update your committee on the current status of the workforce of physicians in Canada. Accompanying our submission to the committee is what we refer to as the GAP graph. This graph shows Canada's physicians-to-population ratio in comparison to other areas, particularly the OECD average. At present, Canada ranks 26th out of 29 OECD countries in the physician-to-population ratio. For the past decade, Canada's ratio has stood at 2.1 physicians per 1,000, one-third below the OECD average of 3.
This gap tells us that poor human health resource planning in the 1990s has led to an inadequate supply of physicians currently. While there have been some improvements, our projections show that a significant gap will be maintained when it comes to physician-to-population ratios.
As a general rule, Canadian physicians tend to be older than the general working population and a good proportion of them will be retiring. Adding to this are the increased demands of an aging population. Advances in technology could create a perfect storm with respect to our physician supply.
Therefore, Chair, I would submit that physician shortages will continue to undermine any and all efforts to improve timely access to quality care from physicians. The lessons of the past show clearly that there is a need for effective pan-Canadian health human resources planning, as our other colleagues have indicated.
As to the three major issues of the day, one is national standards. We believe that medicine has worked hard to maintain national standards for both medical education and the practice of medicine in Canada, and while the application of the standard is open to interpretation, it has provided both transparency and uniformity in what is required to practise medicine in our country at all levels.
These standards will help ensure that all Canadians have access to the highest quality of medical care, no matter where they reside.
The second area I would like to touch on with you is the area of international medical graduates. To begin with, I would try to address a couple of common myths. The first is that Canada is a closed shop to foreign graduates, and secondly, that the Canadian medical community is a barrier to their integration.
Ladies and gentlemen, the facts are otherwise. International medical graduates comprise at least one-fourth of our active physicians in many parts of the country. Each year at least 400 international medical graduates are newly licensed to practice in this country.
At present, we and other groups, including the licensing authorities--the faculties of medicine and other groups--all support improvements to integrate the international medical graduates into the Canadian medical workforce.
We have historically relied, and will continue to rely, on the tremendous contributions of international medical graduates, and the medical community has consistently called for, and will continue to call for, further resources to integrate these graduates into our community.
The reality is, however, that we train fewer physicians than we need, and not only is our capacity inadequate in the undergraduate level, but also at the graduate level. And we are failing to provide enough resources to meet the demands of training Canadian medical graduates, let alone addressing the needs of the foreign graduates.
We feel the solution to this quandary is to develop short, medium, and long-term strategies for integrating international medical graduates into the medical workforce.
In the short term, the federal government could provide funding to clear the backlog of qualified international medical graduates--maybe as many as 1,100.
In the medium term, all governments at all levels need to work with key stakeholders in the development of sufficient health, education, and training opportunities.
And in the long term, we feel Canada must adopt a policy of self-sufficiency in the education and training of all health professionals in Canada.
A recent pilot project in Ontario was funded to allow international medical graduates to qualify and work as physician assistants in supervised medical practices. We think the federal government should support such initiatives.
The last area is that of foreign medical credentials. At present, the CMA supports the creation of a Canadian agency for the assessment and recognition of foreign credentials. With the appropriate mandate, we believe such an agency could play an important and needed role. We propose that it should promote and facilitate the adoption and awareness of our national standards for certification and licensure.
It should also develop procedures for the assessment of credentials of internationally trained professionals. These might include: one, the facilitation of international exchanges with regulatory bodies; two, the development of an evaluation framework to assess the fairness, accessibility, coherence, transparency, and vigorousness of the process to assess foreign credentials; and finally, the development of template materials to promote international sharing of information about career prospects in Canada for various occupations, even before immigration.
In summary, our message to the committee is threefold: one, the importance of national standards; two, we need a more comprehensive strategy for international medical graduates, one that increases and enhances opportunities for all Canadians to have access to medical education at both the graduate and post-graduate level; and finally, that the federal government can play an important role in the area of foreign medical credentials by promoting awareness of standards and facilitating the sharing of best practices.
Mr. Chair, I appreciate the opportunity to present to you today with my fellow professionals. I look forward to your questions.