Thank you.
We haven't actually costed it out or anything like that. One of the things we looked at was having something like the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, which was set up very recently by the federal government to look at a lot of the safety challenges in health care.
There does need to be some kind of mechanism. Actually the FPT governments have done a lot in the past few years with Health Canada having the health human resources strategies division. There is also the advisory committee on health delivery and human resources, which is looking at a lot of the same issues we're looking at.
The problem is that right now that's a government committee, and the health care professionals at our organizations and in our stakeholders and in other stakeholders aren't part of that education system. So it's kind of happening in its own silo. We're talking about some kind of mechanism--perhaps a centre, an institute--to bring the different stakeholders together, to look at this issue from the different perspectives.