Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the trouble to come and discuss with us today a very important issue, which you clearly identified, that is, health professionals and their employability.
My riding is located in rural New Brunswick. I have been told that there is an ongoing high turnover problem and that it is very difficult to keep our professionals in Canada. It is a vicious circle. If we lose our professionals because they are going to the United States, we have to find other professionals from abroad to fill the positions that ours have left.
I would like to ask several questions, but I am going to ask them one at a time and I will see how much time I have left. Obviously, I do not expect you to come up with miracle solutions for us today, but do you think there are more effective ways of doing things so that the health professionals that you represent might be more interested in settling in Canada’s rural regions and providing their services in these areas? As we know, it is often very difficult to find pharmacists and family doctors. It is even more difficult to find specialists. The same thing goes for nurses.
My question is addressed to you all. Do you have any suggestions or solutions to propose in order to improve the situation?