Although we don't have time today, I would like to hear more from you along the lines of the inefficiencies in the whole system, in the deliveries. We all know that we can go down to the health districts and we can see the way they spend money just because they have jurisdictional issues. I think that inefficiencies aren't covered, because it seems like when they address inefficiencies they cut the doctors and the nurses, or else they put the workload on the doctors and the nurses. They're all overworked, so who wants to have a long life in either of those careers when in fact they are making up for the inefficiencies that I think can be done through regulations sometimes? Sometimes the expectations of doctors and nurses, particularly, are almost prohibitive--the documenting they have to do. My experience with nurses is they want to be nurses; they don't want to be always documenting.
I am particularly interested in your comments on that, if you have any.