I will, Mr. Chair, thank you.
I will take the committee through the deck. This is the deck that has shades of teal, green, and white.
I have seven minutes. Thank you.
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. First of all, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to appear before your Committee on behalf of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada. The Agency is part of the Treasury Board's portfolio. I want you to know that we are not from the same department. We are dedicated to handling the government's internal affairs.
Our emphasis is on the federal government's own performance with regard to duty to accommodate. I'm going to be focusing on that.
I have with me Kami Ramcharan, our director general of diversity in the branch.
Could I ask you to please turn to slide number two? The Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada was created in 2003. It's a relatively new agency, and it brings together a number of units from Treasury Board and from the Public Service Commission.
Our mission is to modernize the management of human resources in the public service of Canada.
We work in partnership with departments, agencies, and unions to ensure that Canada has a modern and first-class public service that delivers high-quality services to Canadians while upholding values of integrity, transparency, and accountability. While that is a very high-level strategic goal, our role really is to work with all the other departments and agencies in accomplishing that; it's not anything we can do by ourselves as a central agency.
We have five distinct business lines. They are laid out on the slide. Our work relates to a number of important statutes, including the Public Service Modernization Act. The Employment Equity Act and the official bilingualism act are also key areas in the agency. As you can see, there are five lines listed; the one I represent is the second one, public service renewal and diversity.
Let us go on to slide number three. Today I would like to leave with you, I hope, three key messages from the agency's perspective.
The first of these is that we do have a good foundation in place on duty to accommodate persons with disabilities.
We possess the necessary infrastructure to enhance employability, learning and the professional development of people with disabilities in the public service of Canada.
The second message is that statistically speaking--and I will show you some statistics in a couple of minutes--we do have a greater representation of persons with disabilities than the work force availability, and later on I'll explain a little more.
Toutefois, the third message is that il faut faire plus. We must continue to foster awareness, action, and a workplace culture that is welcoming to persons with disabilities. From both physical and cultural perspectives, we need a workplace that makes people feel comfortable to be able to identify their needs, and to accommodate them we all need to have greater sensitivity and willingness as well as accommodation practices.
We will move on to slide four, please. What is our role in a central agency? We are talking about the whole of government and the work we do to help others accomplish these goals. We interpret policy and we provide direction to departments on how to work with a policy. A policy is just words; it's a tool, but only if people know how to work with that tool.
We work with every other federal department and agency to that end. We also have other tools, complementary educational and information products that we share with our colleagues in other federal agencies.
The other important point is we help them; we give them other information, best practices and ideas, and we learn from each other in the federal government about how to work with these issues.
The third thing we do in the agency is review other people's policies. When another agency, department, or central agency is working on a policy or an approach on a related topic, we take a look at it to make sure we don't end up with policies that are contradicting each other or may not be complementary or supportive of one another. Policy coherence is another way of describing it, and that's a role we play.
Finally, we report on progress. We produce an annual report on employment equity for the Government of Canada, and that is tabled annually. It basically talks about how departments across the system are doing.
Let's move on to slide five, please.
What is meant by the expression “the duty to accommodate”?
We're talking about accommodating people in two phases. First, if they're interested in coming in to work for the public service, how do we accommodate them through the process, through a competition or the staffing process? Second, once they're in the public service, how do we work with them to make sure they are accommodated and can be the most productive possible in our workplace?
This is how the Canadian Human Rights Commission defines the duty to accommodate in its publication “A Place for All”:
An employer, service provider, or union has a duty to take steps to eliminate disadvantage to employees, prospective employees or clients resulting from a rule, practice, or physical barrier that has or may have an adverse impact on individuals or groups protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act, or identified as a designated group under the Employment Equity Act.
That's kind of a brief definition, but really, there is a very strong obligation in law here in terms of duty to accommodate.
In terms of our framework, we have legislation, judicial and tribunal decisions, and a policy, which is laid out on slide 6, where we are really trying to make sure that departments and agencies identify problems, find solutions, and fund those solutions.
In slide seven, we basically lay out what agencies must do, and as I said, we do monitor compliance. This is an issue of legal compliance but also cultural change.
In slide eight, we have the statistics. Over five years, the representation of persons with disabilities in the federal public service has increased from 5.1% to 5.8%, and we continue to surpass the workforce availability of 3.6%. So within the federal government we are actually at 160% of the target.
On the policy in practice, again, as I said, there are a number of very interesting, innovative projects that have been taken by departments to try to ease the accommodation of people with disabilities. A few are listed in slide nine, and if I have time later and you're interested, I can certainly explain those projects in more detail, but what's good about those is that they can be shared as best practices with other departments, who might not yet have worked at those situations. The final point is important, that we are constantly talking to partners and stakeholders, trying to learn how to make this policy better as we go.
Finally, in slide ten, I do want to flag the major challenges. We have the foundation, the law, the policy. We have projects. We have people working with the policy, but there's always more to do. The really big challenges are building the awareness, the commitment, and the ownership of such an important policy that's really about people; building that across the system, among all public servants, helping departments work with the policy in practical ways so that it's not just a theory on a piece of paper but something they can understand and apply; and as a broad initiative, ensuring that the Canadian federal public service continues to be a place where people with disabilities are able to be productive and contribute.
In conclusion, my last slide has a wonderful quote from Winston Churchill that I thought was quite applicable to this whole initiative. I find it quite relevant to this and many other issues where we're talking about change that takes time.
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
While of course he was talking about wartime and major national initiatives, I think the essence and spirit of what he says very much applies to this policy within the federal government, and more broadly, to the inclusion of Canadians with disabilities in our society.
Thank you very much.
I am now available to take your questions.