They tend to be on social assistance. Provinces have remarked over the last number of years they think that about half the people on their social assistance rolls are people with disabilities.
The reason I got a little confused is that we also estimate the number of people with disabilities currently on social assistance who tell us through surveys they would be able to work but there are things that get in the way, like transportation or employers not being able to provide accommodation, or even what we call the “welfare wall”, where people get disability supports while they're on social assistance, and then in some jurisdictions lose them as they earn income. That creates a disincentive for them to participate in the labour market.
So we get a number of people--I think it's around 210,000 or 290,000--who say “Yes, I have a disability. I could work, but there are a whole bunch of other things that get in my way and prevent me from working.”