I want to say, I never feel left out if I don't have questions at the committee.
When you have time—we did hand out an awful lot of paper—on page 6 of the deck on services to people with disabilities, there is a chart that lays out a three-year strategy we've developed at Service Canada that we have approved and are implementing. It has been my job to lead that strategy to improve our service to people with disabilities.
A very big part of that is to try to do better as we deliver all these different programs, to put them together so it isn't a mix of different things for the client. It is one person trying to give them service, and we are talking to other levels of government about trying to work together. When I was responsible for the delivery of regional programs, what really worked is when we worked across governments, particularly around employment programs.
I won't talk any more because we've run out of time, but that page would probably sum it up.
Thank you.