I agree that yesterday's announcements are not related to that. However, cuts such as the ones made yesterday always affect the most vulnerable members of society. I'm not asking you to comment on that specifically; I am just giving you my own personal opinion.
My point had to do with the $9,100. I'm looking to you for assistance. I know this is not the fault of the people appearing before us today. However, do you personally believe that a father or mother who makes $45,000 a year and has no protection or receives no benefits, because of the nature of their employment, can receive $9,100, continue to pay their debts and be able to get along?
My line of thinking is still the same: let's not do to others what we would not have them do to us. In this case, it seems to me that $9,100 to help people in serious difficulty who certainly did not want to end up that way... We have to remember that not all people working in Canada are protected through other kind of insurance or other employee benefits.
In terms of the two million people considered to have a disability, do you not think it would be a good idea to reassess the circumstances of 291,000 of them who are now receiving benefits, so that they can have a better life, rather than giving them an amount of money that doesn't really give them much of a chance of surviving?