I'm interested when we talk about income levels and post-secondary education concerning that, and about goals for it, and when we read about the average income levels being lower, or education levels being less, or employment levels being lower.
As a parent, when I think of Jaden and envision him at 18, 19, or 20 years old, my goals for Jaden aren't necessarily that he go to university; or that he make the average income, or whatever the case is; or that he work 40 hours a week. My goals for him are that he's able to contribute, that he has a good happy life, and that he's able to communicate with people. So the goals might be different for him, yet when you're measuring against some of these other things he can do, all of those things that would be our goals for him, and yet bring the average income level down, or the average education level down, or the average employment level down, the goals may not be compatible there, I guess.