Mr. Chairman, thank you for the invitation today to speak on behalf of the Groupe de réflexion et d'initiatives des immigrants diplômés à l'étranger.
Our mandate is reflected in our name and brings together policy work and action. On the policy side, our analysis focuses on barriers facing immigrants with foreign credentials, and on the solutions that we propose to the various levels of government.
Our initiatives involve implementing programs that help skilled newcomers but that also contribute to adding value in Canada. Our concern with value-added activities has not led us to attempt to re-invent the wheel, but instead to establish links with key partners to do a better job of what is already being done well.
The subject of barriers to employment facing newcomers is well documented, and there is consensus, from the point of view of the newcomer, as regards fluency in one of Canada's official languages, the lack of knowledge of the recruitment process and of a contact network within their professional communities.
From our community's point of view, there are also stumbling blocks, namely as regards recognition for credentials. In fact, one of the criteria for immigrating to Canada is the level of education and the country's requirements. Many immigrants have qualifications in regulated fields where they cannot practice. As a result, engineers, nurses, doctors, accountants, technicians, and others, end up looking for unregulated jobs which, quite often, do not emphasize their important skills.
To offset these difficulties, the GRIIDE is attempting to put in place a pilot project entitled AIDE. With this model, we hope to create a network of municipal institutions that can provide a one-stop shop for immigrants with foreign credentials and members of the knowledge sector. The mandate of this network would be to showcase the skills of foreign-credentialed immigrants, but also to support members of the knowledge sector in their human resources requirements. This network must be coordinated at the federal level in order to ensure high-quality services, to develop cross-cutting support programs, to promote best practices and to ensure resources are well balanced.
Locally, each one-stop shop would provide better coordination of service providers for newcomers, the implementation of effective local programs and the creation of links with members of the knowledge economy. Through this network, it would be possible to implement initiatives at the national and regional levels, in partnership with employers, learning institutions and the professional organizations that are at the centre of our economy.
A simultaneous approach targeting all difficulties facing newcomers would accelerate their entry into the economy, thus preventing them from losing their edge and losing their skills; it would re-enforce Canada's capacity for innovation and the availability of services, as, clearly, there would be less of a shortage of skilled personnel; and ultimately it would reduce newcomers' dependency on social services.
And above all, by integrating services and by accompanying newcomers, we will reduce the risk for employers regarding uncertainties about recognition for training and the value of skills.
Mr. Chairman, secondly, I would like to make some brief remarks about our vision for the operation of the new agency to recognize credentials that was presented in the last federal budget.
This agency should become one of Immigration Canada's partners, and recognition for foreign credentials and experience could be a pre-condition for immigrating in the skilled worker category. That would enable Immigration Canada to select candidates whose qualifications will be recognized quickly upon their arrival in Canada. In addition, it would help potential immigrants make an informed decision in choosing to come to the country.
Through this agency, Canada could work with the provinces and all professional organizations on facilitating at least partial recognition for foreign credentials. It is pointless for Immigration Canada to look for skills in countries where skilled labour is rare and to subsequently waste this pool of talent at home.
In a global skilled-labour market, this agency could create links with organizations for harmonization or international conventions representing other regions of the world. Another approach could be to review the Lisbon Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region. Although Canada signed that agreement, it is still not in force. Remember that Australia, which is often compared with Canada, implemented the convention on January 1, 2003, along with more than 42 countries.
Moreover, this agency should operate as part of the network of one-stop shops that I mentioned earlier, so that tailor-made recertification programs for immigrants with foreign credentials are put in place in conjunction with the universities, professional associations, and the private sector.
Finally, I would like to point out that Parliament could very quickly eliminate an obstacle to employment for newcomers and preach by example. An amendment to section 39 of the Public Service Employment Act would enable the public service to fully benefit from the potential of newcomers. An amendment should be made to section 39(1)(c), which states that holders of Canadian citizenship have priority over permanent residents and, therefore, over newcomers.
The government and the public service should encourage excellence and highlight diversity in Canada. Updating section 39 of the Public Service Employment Act, by putting citizens and permanent residents on an equal footing, would give the Public Service Commission a means of offering employment opportunities to the most talented people in our country, while maintaining the opportunity to limit access to certain positions when national security is at stake.
Legislation to update section 39 of the Public Service Employment Act would send a very strong message to all of civil society in Canada that the knowledge, skills, and professional experience of newcomers must be valued and recognized as equal to the knowledge, skills and professional experience acquired in Canada.
Mr. Chairman, I will conclude my presentation by quoting Bossuet, who inspired the creation of our group.
One flaw that prevents men from acting is not realizing what they are capable of.
Through the implementation of our proposals, we want you to give renewed confidence to our immigrants, for the benefit of our country, and all Canadian men and women.
Mr. Chairman and committee members, thank you for this opportunity to speak to you today.