Thank you. I'd like to comment on a couple of things and link this back to a previous question as well.
One of the things that I think it's really important to highlight is that there are a lot of studies that really show the link between the outcomes of children and the education of their parents, especially their mothers. That's been demonstrated time and time again. So if you're looking at literacy and if you're looking at a whole range of things related to that as children grow and themselves enter the labour force and become functional citizens of this country, you have to invest in their parents, and especially their mothers. I think that's clear.
The other point that I think is important to make, which we talked about in our presentation, is about low EI coverage now. Employment insurance used to be one of the really valuable routes into getting the kind of training that people needed. It wasn't just income replacement, but it allowed access to a whole range of other services that guaranteed that when you were out of a job you got the assistance you needed to help get back in and have those needs identified. And there was some regularity to that across the country. Now without that, with so few people qualifying for employment insurance, they don't get into other programs either. It's so easy to fall into welfare, and once you're there, it's so hard to get access to anything else, from literacy to skills upgrading to post-secondary education for your lifetime.