Given that Ms. Yelich has now raised this matter, I feel obliged to respond and to say that these are not ordinary times. This is not a normal unfolding that we're seeing here. We see a ministry that has been virtually gutted of most of its programs that support the employability of youth, particularly, and others across the board, and with literacy. For example, there's going to be a cut of $55.4 million to youth employment. If that doesn't have some relevance for this committee as we move forward to consider the whole question of employability, then I don't know what does. Certainly it's in order for us, as a committee, to have a discussion and a debate on that. I'm certainly, as you are, respectful of the rules of the committee, and I don't want to be obstructionist in that fashion, but I would ask the committee--and I know that everybody on our side is supportive--to have that emergency discussion.
I was hoping to have it today--because the sooner we get at it, the better, in my view--and to set something up so that we can in fact have the minister or her staff come before us and have some folks from the groups that have been affected come before us and talk to us about that. So I'm hoping the Conservative members will recognize this as an emergency.