I'd just like to add something to that.
Formulating a national strategy is a complex undertaking, owing to the fact that a number of stakeholders are involved in the process.
I would suggest that there are a few major things. Having good labour market information is important so that we have an idea nationally and locally of what the needs are. Foreign credential recognition is an important issue, and the role the federal government is taking with regard to a new agency is important. Apprenticeship is an important area.
I would say that the biggest problem for a national strategy is the federal-provincial jurisdictional issue. Whatever means the federal government has at its disposal to work with provinces and school boards are useful. Sector councils are one of those options.
As Paul Swinwood mentioned, we're working with school boards and with provincial departments of education, something that the federal government doesn't do directly but that we are able to do indirectly. We have established a committee to work with school boards across the country. All provinces are involved and are very happy to be involved, and it doesn't obligate them to do anything. Rather, they are involved in a discussion. They learn from each other and take what they can from each other, all with regard to getting a more skilled workforce across the board and having provinces and school boards learn from each other about the things that are happening. Cooperation and partnership: we talk about those things. But very action-oriented programs are probably the most useful.