Speaking to Mr. Lessard's comment, I agree. You're saying the things we're studying are inconsistent with what some of us have said in this committee. I think the work we're doing is extremely important, and the funds we're putting towards these things mean nothing if they're being spent ineffectively or inefficiently. One of the members used the word “devastating”; we're not talking about devastating cuts here. Let's look at this in perspective. We're talking about becoming more effective and more efficient in terms of what we're doing, so that we'll actually have a real impact on the things we're working on. We're working on an employability study; we want to have an impact on employability. What we're talking about, with the cuts that we're talking about, is becoming more effective, more efficient.
I don't know if this is the right time to move an amendment. I would move an amendment that we add a bullet that says, “and representatives of Canadians adversely affected by ineffective and inefficient government spending”, because if we're going to bring certain people into the room from one side, we have to have all views represented. I would move that amendment.
You want it in writing? Okay.
Can I move one small separate amendment as well? I'll do the other one first.