On the quantification you have in the document and the top three priorities, I would say that ongoing and accurate labour market information is essential to the mining industry and to the system that provides the people with the skills it needs. That is to say, the universities and community colleges need to know how many of what kinds of people with which skills will be needed when, so that they can add the seats that will deliver those people.
Along the same lines, the second would be to continue to support the development, updating, and administration of occupational standards. In mining this is very important because many of the production occupations are not regulated; they aren't recognized trades. We are working with industry to develop those standards, and that will continue to be very important going forward, especially as we see new Canadians entering the sector. In order to have a means of recognizing foreign credentials, we need to know what industry needs today. We need a list of the skills and levels of skill required to compare those against what new Canadians can bring to the table.
Third, as we try to make best use of all sources of supply, we're also focusing on retention. We need to keep the people who are currently in our sector and who will enter our sector going forward. Part of that includes making sure that young Canadians have the appropriate information with which to make informed career choices, that is, accurate information, so that they're not surprised down the road by what they didn't know the sector was, then end up choosing something else. With that accurate information they can make an informed choice, thereby increasing retention and minimizing all the costs associated with churn and training new entrants.