There are three different things we're already involved in. First, we have created a set of learning outcomes for grades 11 and 12 . We have been working with six provinces at this time to give them the knowledge and experience of what the IT sector is all about through changing the curriculum that is delivered by the provincial ministry of education. So we're already doing that.
It's been very successful in British Columbia. Our first delivery of it involved 100 students who were all at risk. They were students who they were afraid were not going to complete grade 11, let alone grade 12. This was funded by the apprenticeship group that was expecting them to go out to work. Only two of those students got jobs out of high school; the other 98 went on to post-secondary education. We think that's a very successful program.
We're now working with Alberta. The Toronto District School Board has implemented it in Toronto to try to attack their 42% drop-out rate, I believe it is. So we're implementing that in a couple of the inner-city schools to be able to give them this opportunity.
We partnered with Industry Canada and the computers for schools program, where they take used computers from the government and provide them to some of these inner-city schools that can't afford them. So we've done it through partnerships with industry and education.
On the retraining and re-skilling of people, we have been attempting to work within the system of how retraining and re-skilling works. At the present time, the funding available is for a maximum of six weeks.
One of the issues when you're re-skilling someone is that you have to re-educate them and provide them with the background and the knowledge. So we need a slight change in the re-skilling funding model, to enable people to have the support to go back and get the education to be employable in our sector.