Yes, I'd like to move my motion.
Given the extraordinary nature of the cuts to the Department of Human Resources and Social Development and the impact that will have on all of our communities across the country as we try to provide particularly for those who are most at risk and vulnerable--the cuts to the voluntary sector, for example--and the impact it will have on the hearings we're having here of employability when you look at literacy and youth employment programs, I think it's imperative that we suspend our activity for a time and have the minister come before us. I noticed this morning a notice went out that the minister is actually coming on the Tuesday after we come back, which fits nicely with this.
I think it's also imperative that we have before us departmental heads, so that we can speak to them directly about the impacts on their budgets, and what they can deliver, and how they feel about that, and to the groups themselves in our communities who are going to have to manage this reduction in funding as they try to provide the service that they're committed to.
That said, I would like to move the motion.